
Natalya Lukin, LM, CPM

Licensed Midwife
Certified Professional Midwife 

I have been “catching babies” since 1995 and have attended hundreds of births in homes and birth centers in the U.S., Mexico, and Europe. My philosophy is that birth is powerful, challenging, beautiful, transformative, and fundamentally a normal, healthy function of the human body. I believe that all women and birthing persons have the right to give birth in safety, dignity, and power.

I came to the U.S. as a child, grew up in San Francisco, and completed a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies at UC Santa Cruz, before my reverence for the power of nature led me to midwifery. My midwifery education included both medical management and holistic care of normal pregnancy and birth, which I completed through a combination of formal education and apprenticeship in the San Francisco Bay Area; at Maternidad La Luz, a freestanding birth center and midwifery school in El Paso, Texas; and with traditional midwives in Mexico. I earned my CPM credential from the North American Registry of Midwives in 1999 and my midwife license (LM) from the Medical Board of California in 2008. In between, I gave birth to my son in a waterbirth tub at home, under a midwife’s care.

I am committed to continuing education and take many advanced midwifery courses each year in order to enhance my skills and best serve my clients. I am honored to serve growing families as an affirming healthcare provider—regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, socioeconomic background, marital status/singlehood, weight, sexual orientation or gender expression.

In my spare time, I enjoy gardening, researching genetic genealogy, and exploring the woods with my son.

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